Sleep Disorders

19 posts

Sleep: Pay Me Now or Pay Me Later

When I help people with stress management I always start with sleep.  Good health habits along with stress management help protect us from the damage stress can cause.  Stress overload raises cortisol and weakens the immune system.  Stress interferes with sleep by raising levels of the brain’s modulators norepinephrine and […]

The Stages of Sleep

There are two basic types of sleep: Non-REM (NREM) sleep – This includes stages 1-4 of sleep. Stage 1 is very light sleep, and stage 2 is transitional sleep. Stages 3 and 4 are deep sleep. They occur in the first 3 hours of sleep. Stage 4 is the only […]

Behavioral Management of Sleep

Since you can’t “do sleep,” trying to force its onset will only cause the opposite to occur. Instead, try to shift focus away from sleep. Read, watch TV, focus on breathing, thumb through a magazine or book, or listen to soothing music. Shifting focus to activities that are non’stimulating to […]

Sleep: Did You Know?

MOOD is affected more by sleep deprivation than are cognitive skills or physical performance A 45 minute nap can improve alertness for the next 6 hours … a 1 hour nap can improve alertness for 10 hours Healthy sleep prepares the brain for the next day and renews mental balance […]

Insomnia Phobia

“Insomnia phobia” is a phrase I use to describe the fear of not being able to fall asleep. Fear has an alerting effect and wakes you up! Telling yourself, “don’t worry about it!”, won’t help if you don’t have the confidence that you will get enough sleep. Cognitive therapy can […]