Women’s Issues

20 posts

Women and Stress Disorders Overview

Between puberty and menopause women are twice as likely as men to be anxious or clinically depressed. This vulnerability has been found in multiple countries and ethnic groups and is not just due to socio cultural factors. Differences in men and women are: • Frequency of depression and anxiety • […]

Gender Factors for Depression in Women

? Hormonal – menses, pregnancy, menopause • Victimization – sexual abuse, assault, harassment in the workplace • Unresolved loss issues-past abortions, miscarriages, or infertility • More sensitive to stress and seasonal changes • Demands of multiple roles • More likely to have atypical symptoms such as appetite and sleep increases […]

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

During the childbearing years, 3-5% of women experience physical and psychological symptoms that impair functioning. This is caused primarily by changes in hormone concentrations. Symptoms of PMDD include the following: • Depressed mood • Anxiety • Lability (sensitive, out of control) • Irritability • Decreased interest in usual activities • […]

Post Partum Depression

10-15% of women experience depression following childbirth. PPD occurs during the first four weeks after delivery, but can emerge as much as 2 years after giving birth. The hormone fluctuations (especially the drop of estrogen and progesterone) is greater than any other time in the life cycle. This causes vulnerability […]

Perimenopause and the Roller Coaster Ride

Judith Reichman quotes a patient in her book as saying: “so am I perimenopausal, or has an alien taken over my body?” Perimenopause is a roller coaster ride of hormones. The hormone levels fluctuate erratically because of intermittent ovulation. Estrogen continues to decrease, Perimenopause occurs in the 40’s to 50’s. […]

The Hormone Connection

MOOD IN WOMEN IS EQUAL TO: THYROID X ESTROGEN, TESTOSTERONE X SEROTONIN, DOPAMINE, NOREPINEPHRINE Thyroid – hormone that regulates activity level of every cell in the body. If thyroid is low, brain cell activity is low. Estrogen – hormone that increases serotonin activity in the brain. If estrogen drops, serotonin […]

Therapy and Lifestyle Issues

Although medication can be very helpful in treatment of depression in women, it can’t make up for poor health habits. It is important to get 7 hours of good sleep each night, and 30 minutes of vigorous physical activity (preferably on a daily basis). It doesn’t have to be “exercise” […]

Women's Issues: Did You Know?

? Depression is twice as common in women as in men • Lifetime prevalence of depression in women is 21.3% and 12.7% in men • 75% of depressed women that stop taking antidepressants during pregnancy relapse • 50-80% of women experience some psychological or physical symptoms premenstrually • Postpartum depression […]

Women and Medication

Depression in women is more likely to be associated with anxiety. This is related to imbalances in the serotonin system, or hypersensitivity to changes in serotonin. In general, women do better on SSRI’s, Lexapro, Zoloft, Prozac, Celexa, Paxil and lower doses of Effexor XR. Women with pain, fatigue, or severe […]