Daily Archives: September 6, 2007

2 posts

Behavioral Treatment for ADHD in Preschoolers

Brain functioning is genetically variable (polymorphic) and has plasticity – adaptability to conditions and experience.  When you learn a new skill  or habit – at any age  (though easier when in childhood) it changes your brain.  Neurons establish new connections.  Connections are strengthened – more receptors and nerve impulses are […]

Only 1/3 of ADHD Kids are Being Consistently Treated: Why are we not taking better care of our greatest resource?

A study of 3,000 randomly selected kids ages 8-15 was funded by the National Institute of Health (with no pharmaceutical company support).  The main author was Tanya Froehlich, a developmental behavior pediatrician.   The study was published in Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine Sept 07. Originally the objective was to […]