Integrative Health Consultant and Educator
Integrative Health Consultant and Educator

Medications for Treatment of ADHD Related Disorders

Two-thirds of ADD/ADHD children have one or more other mental health disorders (comorbidity). The most common co-occurring condition with ADHD is Oppositional Defiant Disorder. These children are rebellious to a degree that causes problems for them at home and/or school. Their attitude is “you can’t make me/you can’t stop me.” Some children also have Conduct Disorder. They violate rules, laws, damage property, commit theft, personal injury, etc. These disorders require firm, consistent behavior management.
Mood/anxiety disorders are common with ADD, and need to be managed medically. Stress management and coping skills also need to be taught.
Underlying Bipolar (Manic-depressive) traits can be aggravated by stimulants. This can be managed with mood stabilizers, or cognitive enhancers. These medications can be used with stimulants.