Integrative Health Consultant and Educator
Integrative Health Consultant and Educator

Physicians and ADHD Diagnosis in Kids

Question:  Can any physician diagnose and treat ADHD in kids, or does it have to be a specialist?

Answer:  Most pediatricians are comfortable at least screening for ADHD in kids and in many cases will try at least a couple of medications before referring to a specialist.  One problem with being treated by a non-specialist is that studies have shown a lower success rate.

In the largest most comprehensive study MTA Study , patients that were treated in the community did not fare as well as those treated by specialists using a set protocol.  The kids treated in the community on average ended up on lower doses of medication per dose and fewer doses per day (of short-acting medication).  Most striking was that after medication was initially stabilized the patients in the community were seen on average 15 minutes every 6 months.  Those treated by specialists were seen every 3 months for 30 minutes.