Integrative Health Consultant and Educator
Integrative Health Consultant and Educator

Fitness & Weight Management

You deserve to be healthy, and to look and feel your best, both mentally and physically.  There is a powerful connection between mind and body, so how you are feeling mentally often depends on how you are feeling physically.  Developing good health habits, staying physically active and eating a healthy diet contribute to a healthier physical being, and can boost your mood and confidence, reduce your stress and protect you from serious medical conditions. 

 We feel a responsibility to bridge the gap between physicians and fitness professionals, since there is such a strong connection between fitness and overall health.  For this reason, we designed this section to answer your diet, exercise and weight loss questions.  If you are considering a fitness or weight loss program, it is important that you get sound advice.  A program that is medically supervised allows you to get lab assessments, physician expertise, nutritional guidance, exercise instruction and prescription medication if necessary. 

For more information on our medically supervised weight loss support click on the PATH: Medically Supervised Weight Loss, or if you just want to get tips on nutrition, weight loss, activity or fitness, browse our fitness and weight loss sections.   



General Weight Control

Medication and Weight

