66 posts

I am a 40 year old woman who has finally decided to do something about my ADHD. A psychiatrist has prescribed Vyvanse, but I haven't filled the prescription because of side- effect concerns.

Vyvanse is a new delivery system for a medication we have used for 70 years.  Extra precaution needs to be taken with CV issues like Mitral Valve Prolapse.  I’m not aware of a specific study with MVP, but a study was done at Harvard of patients with ADHD and high blood pressure.  […]

I don't know why I am still on Adderall. I am so tired and depressed, unexcited, and don't even feel like reading the Bible, much less have the energy or passion to make the world a better place. I have been on Adderall for 14 years and I feel a little frazzled. Does long term use of amphetamines cause brain damage?

I have many patients who do great on 60-90 mg of Adderall per day and have for up to 13 years.  Anybody like yourself who is not doing well needs to make changes.  You need to start with a re-evaluation with a physician.   One simple option may be to […]

Is it safe for a 5 year old to wear the patch (Daytrana) and is it safe to cut the patch in half to reduce the dose?

I have just posted an article on preschoolers and ADHD: Most research in preschoolers is with methylphenidate even though it is only FDA approved down to the age of 6.  The patch works fine if cut in half.  Be aware that after six weeks of daily use blood levels […]

Behavioral Treatment for ADHD in Preschoolers

Brain functioning is genetically variable (polymorphic) and has plasticity – adaptability to conditions and experience.  When you learn a new skill  or habit – at any age  (though easier when in childhood) it changes your brain.  Neurons establish new connections.  Connections are strengthened – more receptors and nerve impulses are […]

Only 1/3 of ADHD Kids are Being Consistently Treated: Why are we not taking better care of our greatest resource?

A study of 3,000 randomly selected kids ages 8-15 was funded by the National Institute of Health (with no pharmaceutical company support).  The main author was Tanya Froehlich, a developmental behavior pediatrician.   The study was published in Archives of Pediatric & Adolescent Medicine Sept 07. Originally the objective was to […]

What Is ADHD and What Causes It?

ADHD is a personality type that is determined mainly by genetics.  Survival of the group is enhanced by variability of its members.  We wouldn’t want everyone to be the same.   Ancient tribes for example, needed a look-out person who could patiently maintain watch in case something happened.  That wouldn’t be an […]

How To Take Adderall (Amphetamine-Dextroamphetamine)

ADDERALL XR (amphetamine-dextroamphetamine) ADDERALL XR is a mixed salt amphetamine approved by the FDA for treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Mixed salt amphetamines have been studied and used clinically to treat ADHD since the 1930’s. Amphetamines, as a class of stimulants, increase activity of the brain’s natural stimulants, Dopamine […]