44 posts

ADHD Subtypes

Question:  Why do most ADHD individuals have symptoms of different subtypes?   Answer:  Models have been developed to show how a person can inherit one subtype of ADHD and develop symptoms of the other over time.  This helps us to understand the fact that the majority of ADHD patients have some […]

Types of ADHD

Question:  Are there different types of ADHD? Answer:  Yes.  Recent research shows that there are two genetically distinct subtypes of ADHD symptoms.  One involves the need for higher levels of stimulation for the brain to work well.  There is lower level of functioning than normal when reward is delayed.  There […]

ADHD Specialists

Question:  What exactly is an ADHD specialist? Answer: Unfortunately there is no formal training or certification to reflect a certain minimal level of competence in the diagnosis and treatment of ADHD.  The most important factor in determining a clinician’s expertise in treating ADHD is experience.  What percentage of their current […]

Physicians and ADHD Diagnosis

Question: Can my physician diagnose and treat ADHD in adults or is a specialist required? Answer: In a recent survey the majority of primary care doctors felt comfortable diagnosing and treating anxiety disorders (85%) and depression (95%) in adults.  Only 15% were comfortable diagnosing and treating ADHD.  The main reason […]