44 posts

Best Medications for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder responds to medications that enhance serotonin levels. It can be inferred that the cause relates to dropping serotonin levels as estrogen levels fall (since estrogen increases serotonin). Lowering serotonin levels only causes mood symptoms in women who have a genetic predisposition or previous history of depression. Unlike […]

Living with an ADHD Adult

Question: How do we cope with our ADHD/angry/grown-child who is living at home? Answer:  Unfortunately, I frequently hear “ADHD/angry/grown-child living at home with no job for several months and parents feeling helpless.”  Blames you for ______ is also common.  Not taking responsibility for one’s problems and life situations may be […]

ADHD Diagnosis

Question:  How is ADHD diagnosed? Answer:  The diagnosis of ADHD is made clinically.  It does not require (and in fact can’t be made through) expensive neuropsychiatric testing or brain imaging.  Neither is at a point where they should be used for clinical decision making.  It is essential to get information […]

ADHD Causes

Question:  What causes ADHD? Answer:  Personality is thought to be 1/2 temperament which is primarily genetic.  But personality disorders are thought to be primarily learned, maladaptive, and mostly deficits in character development. ADHD on the other hand has been found to be 75% genetically determined.  Studies include comparing ADHD identical […]

Physicians and ADHD Diagnosis in Kids

Question:  Can any physician diagnose and treat ADHD in kids, or does it have to be a specialist? Answer:  Most pediatricians are comfortable at least screening for ADHD in kids and in many cases will try at least a couple of medications before referring to a specialist.  One problem with […]

ADHD and Genopharmacology

Question:  What is genopharmacology? Answer:  It is the interaction of gene variations with specific medication treatments.  Although some people inherit both the subtypes of ADHD the majority of the time this is probably not the case.  There are already over a dozen gene variations (polymorphisms) that have been found to […]