Integrative Health Consultant and Educator
Integrative Health Consultant and Educator

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014!!!!!


Happy New Year to all my fellow ADHD friends. Remember, you DO NOT have a disorder. I hate that. You have a very unique temperament and many gifts. The major problem is that this temperament is created in the prefrontal cortex of your brain. That controls “executive functioning”.. that means mainly the things you hate to do you probably won’t, because you have to have stimulation to make your brain increase dopamine, which drives us. So….when possible, delegate out the things that need to be done, but you hate to do and always procrastinate. Learning to compensate for our areas we lack interest in (or feel inadequate about, for that matter) is a SMART thing to do. Some people get down on themselves because of this.


Instead of being bummed about the things you don’t do, concentrate on your strengths. Embrace what you are good at and do it! Most people with ADHD are creative, likely to be entrepreneurs, innovators, challengers of the system, and passionate with their interests, whatever they are!


If you don’t have a person that is your own “personal secretary”, BARTER out your boring stuff!


Some of the people I love most dearly in the world have ADHD….So Happy New Year to all of you!!!!!!!