37 posts

Reader Comments

What people are saying about AskDrJones.com … I have searched for a web site like this for months. This site has been exactly what I have been looking for and has been more than helpful. Thank you.  – Alicia H. This is one of the most informative sites I have […]

Best Medications for Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder responds to medications that enhance serotonin levels. It can be inferred that the cause relates to dropping serotonin levels as estrogen levels fall (since estrogen increases serotonin). Lowering serotonin levels only causes mood symptoms in women who have a genetic predisposition or previous history of depression. Unlike […]

Proactive Anxiety Response

Practice paced breathing Proper breathing is very important for control of anxiety and panic.  It is also the best relaxation technique for control of nervousness and panic.  Underbreathing (slow/shallow) increases carbon dioxide retention.  This triggers the suffocation response in panic prone people, leading to compensatory overbreathing.  Conversely, overbreathing (hyperventilation) decreases […]

Panic Disorder

Earl Campbell (football legend) was in his truck driving to Austin, Texas. He was stopped at a light in the small town of LaGrange. All of a sudden and for no reason he felt chest tightness, racing pulse, and shakiness. He panicked. He thought, “am I having a heart attack, […]